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Jacob H. Gold, CFP®


P: (480) 998-4653 Ext. 20

By the time I was 10 years old, I wasn’t dreaming about becoming a doctor or a police officer. Instead, I knew I wanted to help people in a different way. That’s why I became a financial planner like my father and grandfather.

While clients may have been surprised to see a 10-year-old apprentice sitting in on meetings, for me, it was a time to absorb the experience and passion evident in my father’s practice. With two generations of successful financial planners leading the way, I was raised from the start to understand sound money management and investment philosophies and theories. It’s in my DNA, and I’m proud to walk in my father’s footsteps today.

One of my main focuses in building my firm from the ground up has been helping take the financial mystery out of preparing for tomorrow through personalized, comprehensive financial planning.

In addition, I serve as an Adjunct Professor of Finance at the W.P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University. Working in this capacity gives me the freedom to combine my passion for personal finance with my love of educating others. Click here to see what my students have said about my FIN 380: Personal Financial Management Course at ASU.

Throughout my career, I’ve authored two books, Financial Intelligence: Getting Back to Basics After an Economic Meltdown and Money Mindset: Formulating a Wealth Strategy in the 21st Century, and provided financial insight for many local and national media outlets, including The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, CNBC, Forbes, FOX Business, TIME Magazine and more.

I received my B.A. in Interdisciplinary Studies with concentrations in Economics and History from Arizona State University. I am a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ practitioner and a NFLPA Registered Player Financial Advisor.

The best part of working with clients: The individual relationships I have formed with each client is by far the best part of my job. It has been a privilege to get to know their individual stories. They are executives, business owners, mothers, fathers, and grandparents, all trying their best to create and maintain financial security.

Every client has experienced setbacks and successes in life. Listening to their stories and empathizing with their experiences always helps me design a better financial game plan for their unique situation.

Hobbies outside of work: Being a husband and father of 3, my time outside of work is happily consumed with family activities. When time permits, my hobbies include going to the lake to wake surf, fly fishing, traveling, and collecting trading cards and stickers.

Favorite places to visit: We attempt to travel as a family as often as we can. Our favorite place to visit is Coronado Island, California.

Something few people know about me: Most people do not know that I speak fluent Spanish. I spent a couple of years in Mexico City as a young man. Although I don’t practice as often as I should, feel free to converse with me in Spanish.


The Gold family: Kelvin Gold, Sara Gold, Savanna Gold, Jacob Gold, and Bella Gold.